Thursday, March 10, 2011

My wedding album

Wow, I never realized how hard it would be to make my own wedding album. First of all Pictage (the company I use to make albums) is tough anyway, because every single thing can be manipulated. Its your choice how big, how many and where you put each and every picture. My first idea was since I got my pictures back in October was that I would have my album finished by Christmas to show everyone. Well, I finally have finished my album (March) and I still haven't ordered it yet. (Waiting on some cash first...) Anyway, for now here's what I've done:

My Wedding album (Click here)

Of course all the pictures were done by the awesome Chad Franz Photography. If you are in Indiana and need a photographer, he's the one to hire! I can't wait until I get it printed and can show it off.

Also, I'm thinking I need to make a fresh new album (like this) to show clients. The one I have is waaaay outdated :)

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