Monday, July 26, 2010

Jake's 4th Birthday

My dog Jake turned 4 today! This is actually the first birthday since I've known him (when he was about 1) that I've kept tracked. I felt like this milestone deserved a photo shoot. I've never really "officially" taken my dogs out to do a shoot with them. I've only ever really taken pictures of them when we are somewhere cool or they are doing something cute.

Sadly I do not have any puppy pictures to share. Matt got him (before we met) when he was a small puppy and the pictures were just adorable. Unfortunately they burned in a house fire over a year ago.

Outside for a quick photo shoot.


Jake's only 4 and his muzzle is already turning white :( sad.

This was one of Jake's birthday presents.

Oliver wanted it too.

Look how high Jake got! Super dog.



Here are some old favorites taken over the years.


Jake loves to go camping

and Matt likes putting shirts on him.


Oliver was such a fuzzy little puppy here. They were best friends even from the beginning.

Jake was a bit jealous because Oliver had a bone.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Website updates

After two years of business, I've finally updated some of the pictures on my website..
My awesome web designer Stephanie Zuroff, showed me how to change the pictures myself. I updated the weddings, engagements and portraits sections. Those were the original three galleries I had when I first published the website. I've added the other galleries since then and didn't need to update those. Wow was it hard to pick out just a few of my best shots. Looking through my archives and trying to select only a few was really hard! It definitely made me proud of all that I have accomplished these past two years.

Check out some screen shots :) Leave me a comment below if you found yourself in any of the pictures on the site!

Wedding Portfolio:



Engagement Portfolio:



Portrait Portfolio:



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Silverleaf Photography!

I can't believe my business is two years old!

I am so proud of what I have accomplished these past two years and all the hard work and dedication I have put into it. Don't get me wrong, owning my photography business has made me extremely humble at times (when looking at other photographers' work), but I have very high hopes and aspirations.

Keeping the trend from last year, I am going to fill this post with pictures of me taking pictures. I also have a few of my newest business partner/second shooter, my fiance Matt. Hopefully he can put up with weddings long enough to keep shooting with me for a while.

Still haven't been able to change my weird face I make when taking pictures...



I'm taking a picture of a ring on the rocks :)

I look happy about what I see.

Apparently whatever I am saying is very interesting.

That dumb dress kept bunching up in the back :( Its too bad because I really like the dress.

Haha, here I am trying to tell them how to put their hands. I don't think they quite understood what I meant.

My newest business partner :) Isn't he adorable with that camera?!

This is going in our wedding slideshow :)




Ducking out of the way for guest pictures.


I'm not trying to take a picture of the sky here, I promise. I was trying to see how the photo looked. It was a really bright day!


I hope you enjoyed these. I'm looking forward to many more great years of my business! Thank you to all of my amazing clients I've had so far! I couldn't do it without you.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby Tigers!

A couple weeks ago Matt came home telling me he had this awesome surprise for me. We were going to go that Saturday, but after talking with someone he said we had to wait a week. I didn't want to wait a whole week to find out what the surprise was so Matt told me that we could go pet baby tigers. Um, yes please! So long story short, we went yesterday to this place about 15 minutes away called Zootastic. They had two baby tigers there, a 7 week old and a 17 week old.

Here is my favorite picture, me and Matt holding the 7 week old baby tiger. Yes, this is totally going in the wedding slideshow.


Look at those huge paws!

Money shot! I'm thinking I may make a grassy background and make a canvas print of it for my house.

He loved chewing on Matt's hand.

Belly rub!

Again with the chewing.

This is the 17 week old tiger. We got to pet her out of the cage but there were too many people around to take pictures. We snuck back in later to play with her again.


She loved Matt! I wasn't brave enough to let her put her paws on me and lick me.


I'm totally going back to this place. It was so much fun. And who knows, maybe I'll see if they need some extra help next summer :) There were a ton of animals there besides the tigers, farm animals and several other exotic animals.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Google Listing

I know I haven't posted much recently. This summer, photography-wise is pretty slow for me. Moving to NC last year cut way down on my clients and I have a feeling most weddings here happen in Spring and Fall because of the summer heat.

Because of the slowness, I have been working on trying to advertise more. Matt has decided to be my marketing manager, so that should help some! One thing he got me to do was have people write reviews on my google listing. You can view that HERE.

I've had such amazing clients! All of these clients are going to get a little something special in the mail. If you are a past client or present client of mine and you are reading this, if you write a review for me, I'll send you something in the mail with your two favorite photos.

The reviews will help my listing move further up on the list so more people will see it.
